Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Meet Mike...

This is a guy I have been helping out lately.  He is the owner of a house I thougth was being cleared out by the town.  I dumpster dived it for a few days, only to find out they cleared it when he was away in the hospital.   Lots of great items, and 2 houses packed with stuff.  I feel for him as he realizes the mess he has created all these years, but is not physically capable to clear it all.   He has played semi-pro ball, served our country, was a union worker and is a musician....expect to hear more stories from my travels with him....this was picture was taken as we cleared his backyard of scrap a day before the town came and cleared it all for him.  Next project is to work on clearing his house....

...shoulda grabbed this, it ended up in a dumpster....

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